"Terrible Habits at Dates: Traits We Won't Accept"…ladies

This definitely depends on individual ladies. There are however some common grounds:
1. Hygiene
This is at the top in the league. Unfortunately, it is often overlooked by men. A date requires more than a quick rake of the hair and the straightening of a T shirt.
This is at the top in the league. Unfortunately, it is often overlooked by men. A date requires more than a quick rake of the hair and the straightening of a T shirt.
“Remember, first impressions count and may be the only impression you leave”
Before a date; have a shave, wash your hair, scrub up well and get suited and booted. Brush your teeth for two straight minutes, wear deodorant and aftershave (a little of the good stuff only please) and put on a nice shirt!
2. Dressing
Some guys look terrible at dates… with a wrong dressing combinations or inappropriate attire. It sucks!
“The fact is, the first da

You don't need to be wearing Gucci or Armani, your comfort should be of prime importance. Smart casual can be good depending on your date.
3. Money
Keep your cash conversations to a zero level and enjoy your date together. Money, contrary to many impressions doesn't impress at first. It simply polarizes views. It can leave your date feeling very uncomfortable either way.
“Don’t lie about the size of your pocket”
4. Lies
People tell lies on dates, in fact most people do. Usually you get caught later on. Little white lies show the path towards dating disaster. Honesty is one of the basic building blocks of any new dating experience.
“Get caught out later at your peril”
5. Drinking
Here lays the true path to disaster. May ladies complain that the most promising dates they have been on got nipped in the bud simply because their dates got lashed on stout or beer. Many people are far better with a drink inside them than without. It's a relaxant; it calms nerves and fears and promotes a feeling of confidence.

While drinking can be fine, leave it out at this stage of your dating game plan.
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